Well the Easter Muster has come and gone once again. This year I felt was very poorly attended compared to last year, it is a funny thing that wargamers are always complaining about a lack of events yet fail to turn up when these events are on. I had fun despite having to do a 3 hour round trip both days and run the game. Anyway Nathan and I enjoyed the game and it was good to catch up with other gamers I haven't seen for awhile. The photos below show the course of the British relief column over the 2 days, note the fantastic scratch built paddle steamer lent to me by Mark Temple for the game, I tried to talk him into selling it but no luck. The fort is a Hudson and Allen kit which I painted for Kevin Jowett who imports them into Australia. Enjoy, Scott
Thanks Patrick, have been looking forward to using the system since I bought the disk of you a few years ago. I will try and post a short After action report this weekend. Next 2 projects are Wellington in India and Indian Mutiny, both very much inspired by your 'John Company' ruleset. When are you releasing the Mexican American war ruleset as we have sizeable 28mm armies and I want to expand the collection if Maximillian in Mexico doesn't get in the way. Cheers Scott
Huzza for you, Sir!
A delightful and impressive production with excellent terrain for a very atmospheric look.
Looking forward to an AAR detailing the action and how your player fared when left to their own devices.
Thank you also for using SvP and sharing the results with the rest of us.
More power to you for your next efforts!
Patrick Wilson
I say, damn me vitals if this ain't glorious stuff.
Thanks Patrick, have been looking forward to using the system since I bought the disk of you a few years ago. I will try and post a short After action report this weekend. Next 2 projects are Wellington in India and Indian Mutiny, both very much inspired by your 'John Company' ruleset. When are you releasing the Mexican American war ruleset as we have sizeable 28mm armies and I want to expand the collection if Maximillian in Mexico doesn't get in the way. Cheers Scott
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